Parameter setting
When displaying SEt---, if you press the [5] key, enter the parameter settings, showing that the XXX in D XXX represents the current dividing value. According to the [2] key, the graduation value is between 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 0.1. When switching to the required dividing value, press the [5] key to complete the setting of the new dividing value and transfer it to the setting of the filtering mode. Display FiLt X, when X=0 is used, stable filtering is used. When X=1 is used, the fast reaction filter is used. It can switch between the two filtering modes by pressing the [2] key. When switching to the required filtering mode, press [5] button to complete the setting of filtering mode. And turn to the range setting to display rxxxxx. Xxxxx is the current range value. Press the [2] key to switch the range between 600100015002000300 and 500010000150002000 300005000060000. When switching to the required range, according to the [5] key, you can complete the setting of the new range value and enter the setting of the opening zero range, showing the SEtxxx, the current opening zero range in the XXX. Press the [2] key, then turn on the zero range to switch between 025102050100. These values represent a percentage range. According to the [5] key, you can complete the setting of the new boot zero range, and turn it into the accumulative setting. It shows Aut - x, x=0 represents non - automatic accumulation, and x=1 represents automatic accumulation. According to the [2] key, you can make an accumulation mode switch selection, press the [5] key to complete the new accumulation mode settings, and transfer to zero tracking settings. When zero tracking is set, L0 x is displayed, where x is the different speed of zero tracking. When x is 0, the zero point tracking is closed. When x is 1, it indicates slow zero tracking. When x is 2, it indicates medium speed zero tracking. When x is 3, it indicates fast zero tracking. You can switch between the above 4 ways by pressing the [2] key. When switching to the required way, press the [5] key to complete the setting of zero tracking and transfer time settings. When time is set, ttxxxx is displayed, where XXXX is the minute and second when the entry time is set. With the [1] key and the [2] key, you can enter the new 6 bit time (time, minutes and seconds) and press the [5] key. If the time of the input is valid value, you can complete the new time settings. Returns the function switch state.
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